Saturday, 12th - Sunday, 13th July 2024
Race Officer/s: TBA
Venue: Club Moorings
Details will be published here when available
Saturday, 13th - Sunday, 14th July 2024
Venue: Club Moorings
Saturday, 13th July Race Officer: Paul Stevens
From 9.30 Entries taken at the club moorings
10.15 Briefing
11:00 River Cruisers and Allcomers - Race 1
As usual this is a Charity Race, this year in aid of NANSA, with a suggested minimum donation of £2 per race/helm. So if you helm the course in three different boats that would be £6. Payments should be made online please to Account Name: EACC Charity Account. Sort Code: 20-17-20. Account Number: 40193305. Please note that this is not EACC's normal account but one set up specifically for EACC's charity donations. Thank you and please don't forget to pay.
11:00 Earliest start for Thurne Roundabout
Do the three marks of course in any order, starting any time after 11:00 and must finish by 16:00 or will be timed out. A boat may compete more than once in that period but must have a different helm each time. Helms may compete more than once in different boats. To count towards the Bradnock season series please see new rules in the Sailing Instructions.
Trophies: Cooke Cup (RCC) Current Holder: Not presented in 2023
Ebbage Cup (Allcomers) Current Holder: Not presented in 2023
Evening: DIY Barbeque at the club moorings in the evening.
Sunday, 14th July Race Officer: Steve Seeney
From 9.30 Entries taken at the club moorings
10.15 Briefing
11:00 River Cruisers - Race 1 Around marks.
Trophy: Roy Pike Trophy. Current Holder: John Holmes: Sabrina II
11:05 Allcomers - Race 1 Around the marks.
Trophy: Greyhound Cup Current Holder: Not presented in 2023
14:00 River Cruisers - Race 2 Around the marks.
Trophy: Filibuster Cup, Current Holder: John Holmes: Sabrina II
14:05 Allcomers - Race 2 Around the marks.
Trophy: International 14 Trophy. Current Holder: Not presented in 2023