Friday 8th – Sunday 12th August 2025
Cruise Leaders: TBA
Details will be published here when available
Friday 9th – Sunday 11th August 2024
Cruise Leaders: Mike and Sally Jones
This year the summer cruise is to Stalham. Meeting on the club moorings as normal on Friday night before setting off around 10am for the trip up the River Ant. Lunch can be taken at How Hill if there is room before making for Richardsons boatyard at Stalham where moorings have been arranged. A small contribution of £3 per boat to go to Richardsons nominated charity is suggested but not compulsory.
Evening meal has been arranged at the Swan public house in Stalham high street. Unfortunately there will not be any cocktails this year but we should have our own room(s).
After a leisurely breakfast (kippers for some) we will head back down the Ant and regroup for lunch at St Benet’s Abbey before making our own way to base.
Please book your place (and include a mobile telephone number) to Mike Jones (
Signed up so far:
John and Susie have said that they intend also to attend a performance of Robin Hood by the Pantaloons on the Sunday 11th at 6.30pm on Dilham village green. They say their productions are always good fun, cost only £15, and the village green is just a short stroll from the Dilham moorings. They take their picnic tables and chairs and have a bite and drink as the evening progresses and suggest that some might like to tag this onto the end of their cruise?