Rigging Out Supper 2022

A photographic record of the event mostly thanks to Carolyn and Jimmy James


After the necessarily restricted Rigging Out Supper events of the last two years, it was of particular excitement and pleasure that we were able to plan and then actually hold an event in person. It was held at Ranworth Village Hall, which, with its timber construction and thatched roof, is a lovely example of traditional Broads architecture and a very appropriate place to celebrate the new season of Broads sailing. Located only a short walk from the staithe, it was also very convenient for those members who came by boat - although sadly only four vessels, the numbers reduced by the typical early season launching and rigging delays. There were worries as the boaters had to walk past The Maltsters (under new management and apparently now very good) en route to the hall, but we didn’t seem to lose anyone and delays could be attributed to a multitude of reasons.
In total 44 members attended and there was a good mix of new, not so new and ‘established’ members. I am not going to call anyone and old member again having just had a milestone birthday! There were also a few faces we hadn’t seen for a while and it was great to see them all back at an EACC social.
The only downside to the Ranworth hall is the size of the kitchen (which is diminutive) but in that usual EACC way of conjuring something out of nothing (see also mooring spaces or any regatta) between us we managed to produce plenty of food, including a choice of six magnificent desserts all of which were devoured with gusto. The hall has no bar, so a pop-up ‘Skippers Arms’ was improvised with a polyp of Wherry, bottled local ales and ciders plus good wines and soft drinks. There were no pork scratchings or pickled eggs, but nobody minded, and it also gave us a good opportunity to trial the paying by card technology in advance of TMOR. This worked well despite the non-consistent wi-fi, and the village hall committee have asked us (ie Phill and Jamie!) to talk them through it so they can use it for their beer festival: 5th - 7th of August, drop in to see it working if you’re about that weekend. 
After the meal we were treated to a selected highlights talk from Ian Patience and Fiona Gordon about their November 2021 crossing of the Atlantic as part of the ARC (Atlantic Race for Cruisers) plus the travails of simply getting to the start in Gran Canaria, finishing with what they are planning next. The talk was fascinating, mixing the adventures and experiences you would expect, an honest account of doing mundane chores (washing, cooking and cleaning) in mid-Atlantic and the unexpected occurrences that need to be dealt with, including Orcas, migrants, and challenging sea conditions. Ian recounts it all in a calm and knowledgable manner which clearly demonstrates his experience but underplays his passion for what he does.  In addition to supporting the skipper as first mate, keeping the manual log as back up and celestial navigation, Fiona’s role, which included provisioning for the three week trip, offerings of three meals a day plus home-made bread, cakes and biscuits, rather put my complaints about the diminutive kitchen at Ranworth into perspective. For their next trip however - the round the world ARC starting at the end of 2023 - she has insisted on a washing machine! Do take a look at their website: www.footloosesailingadventures.com to see what they’re up to next.
All in all it was a very successful evening. It was lovely to see so many of you and we look forward to seeing you on the water or ashore at another gathering soon.
Cally Smith, 12/05/22

Photo: Jimmy James


Photo: Paul Stevens


Photo: Paul Stevens


Photo: Paul Stevens


Photo: Paul Stevens


Photo: Carolyn James


Photo: Carolyn James


Photo: Carolyn James


Photo: Carolyn James


Photo: Carolyn James


Photo: Carolyn James


Photo: Carolyn James


Photo: Carolyn James


Photo: Carolyn James


Photo: Carolyn James


Photo: Carolyn James


Photo: Carolyn James


Photo: Carolyn James


Photo: Carolyn James


Photo: Carolyn James


Photo: Carolyn James


Photo: Carolyn James


Photo: Carolyn James


Photo: Carolyn James


Photo: Carolyn James